
A day of unexpected happenings, including desperate texts from Ricardo who is in quarantine in the Covid hotel. He was desperate for food and tobacco. We did a speedy shop and left a big bag of goodies at the reception area for him. Early afternoon Asha and I met up with Mandy to hand over the tassels she'd commissioned Asha to make for her. She and her husband are quite a well known pair on the island and he's one part of the DJ quartet, Melon Bomb. He's also a fantastic artist. It was lovely to have an hour or so with them getting to know them better. 
Home to put up some new solar powered fairy lights - the town hall have requested that people put lights on their balconies to give town a nice feel for the sake of the kids. So many things are cancelled this year, they're relying on residents to bring a bit of sparkle, or twinkle in our case, to the place. 
Stephen came for tea after he and Danny had been to prison. Sooo lovely to have time with him.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Some really lovely messages with Sole's daughter in-law. And a photo of Sole being sent to me today!
2) Mandy and Scott being so kind and encouraging to Asha.
3) The twinkly lights around our window. 

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