CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

The Dichty in full flow

A bright, mild day

A welcome return to walking weather so, while my wife did some gardening, I went for a 3 mile walk (there and back) along the Dichty where I saw this stretch looking almost like a river. It certainly was in full flow - there certainly has been plenty of rain recently. I turned off the path and headed for the nearby Morrison’s supermarket to collect a small Amazon parcel. This was the first time I had used the Click and Collect system and it worked very well. While in the store, I had some lunch - the first time I have done this alone is ages.

My wife got a much earlier appointment than expected to have a cataract operation in a couple of weeks, hence she is ‘self isolating’ to make sure she doesn’t catch the virus.

I got home in time to watch the afternoon session of the ATP Tour Finals at the O2 - Novak behaved himself and won easily.

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