aging hippy

By aginghippy

Same View But with Fog

Well today's blip is the same view from my library window but a very foggy day.
I know I've posted similar photographs before but I love the fog in this one.
No silhouette today because I was using the camera but with a much smaller ( as in 8 mm lens ).
Now to answer some of yesterday's very kind comments :

~toadally~ Yes this is where I take some of my deer shots and also birds when they are sitting on the fence that you can't see today because of the fog. Still waiting for my red cardinal.

~andmoff~ I agree, a tad different than Motherwell. Haven't seen the neighbors, they're too far away even for my large lens !!

~lallybroch~ Got a great shot last evening in the woods, at least 12 deer and still haven't spotted all of them in the shot! Again the woods have disappeared in the fog today but I do think of 'lallybroch' when I'm in their with the deer, wondering how many I can get in one shot !

For all of you many thanks for your continued interest in my work, and now the final puzzle.... Remember the warning sign the other day ? Well yes it was in Manzini, and yes I was in New Jersey and yes I took the photograph and no it is not a photograph of a photograph. So how did I do it ?


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