EF'ing life

By AnnaKC

F2's miserable day

Yesterday Mum bought the boys a book of illustrations called Jonny's Bad Day by Edward Ardizzone. In the book agony gets out of bed the wrong side and has a series of unfortunate things happen to him (all made better by a big from his mother at the end).

Today, F2 had his very own real life version of the book.

7.15 am: drops solid oak stool onto his left big toe.
8.20 am: stops crying/howling
10.10 am: waits an hour to see GP, despite having a 10.10 appointment
11.05am: GP refers him to outpatients for x-ray
11.40am: waits an hour for x-ray
12.40pm: no fracture so sent home, falls asleep in car so misses lunch
3.00pm: wakes from nap with 'still berry sore toe Mummy' eats honey sandwich and waits for Calpol to kick in
4.00pm: hobbles to park so F1 can run around
5.00pm has cheered up marginally before getting dizzy in the swing and throwing up honey sandwich onto new dinosaur shoes. Due to sicky shoes mean Mummy makes him hobble slowly home.

I hope nothing else happens before bedtime......

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