Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Goethe Again: Auf Dem See

You know how certain places always remind of us a song? Sort of in that vein, it's hard to enter the school where I work part-time and not mentally replay the first German poem I was forced to memorize.

It was called "Auf Dem See" and was, of course, by Goethe. During my exchange year (more than 25 years ago), I was required to learn and recite it. I did so, but didn't actually know what the words meant, as I didn't speak any German yet :)

I spent so much time memorizing the foreign, meaningless sounds in order to perform in front of class, that to this day I can still repeat every line. Only now I know what they mean!

While proctoring an exam today at the school, I grabbed this photo of a portion of the building out the window of my classroom. It's really a beautiful old building, although parts of the facade could use a facelift.

Auf Dem See

Und frische Nahrung, neues Blut
Saug' ich aus freier Welt;
Wie ist Natur so hold und gut,
Die mich am Busen hält!
Die Welle wieget unsern Kahn
Im Rudertakt hinauf,
Und Berge, wolkig himmelan,
Begegnen unserm Lauf.

Aug', mein Aug', was sinkst Du nieder?
Goldne Träume, kommt ihr wieder?
Weg, Du Traum! So Gold Du bist;
Hier auch Lieb' und Leben ist.

Auf der Welle blinken
Tausend schwebende Sterne,
Weiche Nebel trinken
Rings die türmende Ferne;
Morgenwind umflügelt
Die beschattete Bucht,
Und im See bespiegelt
Sich die reisende Frucht.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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