Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Saturday — Celebrating

My birthday is Tuesday, so I told Mr. Fun that I wanted to celebrate all weekend. This morning we drove to Fullerton in Orange County and ate breakfast at Les Amis.

My goal was to eat at the Rialto Cafe, which is just down the street a little further. The Rialto had a 30 minute wait, so Les Amis is where we landed. It is a Lebanese restaurant so they serve classic Lebanese dishes, including shawarma, kebabs & falafel, served in a nice a patio. I didn’t know what most of the meals were, but I understood “steak & eggs,” so that’s what I ordered. I also asked for a side of their tabbouleh, which is a salad of cracked wheat mixed with finely chopped ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, and parsley.

After breakfast we drove through some of the older well manicured neighborhoods of Fullerton. If I knew more about architecture, I could name some of the home styles we viewed. I do know that some we were looking at are called “Craftmans” style. The trees in their parkways were so big that they almost reached across the street to touch the neighbors’ trees; it was an umbrella of trees, beautiful.

Once we left there to drive toward Tustin and the Newport Coast, the traffic thicken, and it wasn’t much fun, so we both agreed that heading toward our house in the Inland Empire was more appealing.

It was a good day and a fun adventure.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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