
By MerlotsDad

Yes we have no bananas...

A bit of a wasted day really. Could not contact the social worker so finally left a message. I phoned the home about visiting and was told that I couldn't visit until after lockdown.. possibly. But we can have a Zoom call.
Spoke to Martin my childhood chum who rang to see how things were and told me he'd had a bad car crash when a van hit him head on which smashed up his beloved Mercedes with him inside it, sustaining a few broken bones. He was mending slowly but it would take time.
Mum rang to see how I was.
N rang to check up on me...
And I cooked chicken N chips for tea which was good.
This morning I had my relephone appointment with the Haemophilia Centre which lasted over an hour. They were praising me for coping and asked about possible changes to treatment, but I declined on this occasion.
Merlot heard C talking to me on the phone and came and cried to her which was very touching - he still remembers her after 5months and she him of course. Its niw 2023 and I'm on the bed watching TV.
Thank s for calling as usual.
Stay safe

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