Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

Holy Moly

Yesterday I was watching the local news and ultimately the weather forecast at the end of the programme. All the presenters were chatting about what a lovely day it had been weatherwise. I hadn't noticed having been inside all day and not having even a chance to glance out the window. Work is becoming more and more of a pain in the rear stressful.

Today I thought s*d it and took my camera to work with the aim of getting outside at lunchtime. Lunchtime snaps can be difficult just simply due to the time factor given that I only get 30 minutes and am normally in a hurry to eat as opposed to snap. Today was going to be different.

I wandered up to a local church at the stroke of midday with the aim of photographing the outside of the building. When I arrived, St Coleman's doors were open wide so I wandered in. There wasn't a soul inside and what greeted me was a gem in every sense....8 wonderfully beautiful stained glass windows of a religious tone but strangely modern and incredibly colourful. As there was no one there I started to take some pictures and then a few moments later the vicar/priest/very nice lady strolled in. She gave me the ok to carry on taking pictures and we then proceeded to sit and chat about the windows, how they were built by a local company and paid for by the parishioners. She was very knowledgeable and really friendly. The front of the pews and alter were roped off with a big sign saying the area was alarmed (so as to stop undesirables nicking the family silver) and as we were talking about the windows she said that there was a particularly beautiful one just around the corner out of sight from where we were. Without asking she suddenly shot off out of the church only to reappear a few moments later at the front near the altar and proceeded to turn the alarm off. She invited me through the roped off area to show me the window I couldn't see. Imagine my amazement when the window she wanted to show me was of a Saint Theresa....I'm not quite a Saint but I am a Teresa. Surely this had to be sign of some sort...quite what, I'm not sure but I'm thinking positive :-)

Anyway, after showing me the window and letting me take some pics she then turned the alarm back on and disappeared again only to reappear with a book in hand which detailed the history of the church and the windows. It was brand new and she said that I could stay and read it and could I just pop it through her letterbox in the house next door when I'd finished.

I'm not religious but what a lovely lady and what a restoration in my faith of the human kind!

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