My Work Space
This is where I have sat every day for the last three months writing my new novel, and the text for "Hebrides", the photo companion book for the Lewis Trilogy.
Every day the sun has been streaming through my window, taunting me with the beautiful, warm Spanish winter sunshine outside.
This week, now finished and free to venture beyond my door, the rain has arrived and I am trapped inside. No choice, then, but to return to the cocoon that is my desk, chair and computer, and wrap it all around me to shut out the rain battering against my window.
Then, unexpectedly, a ray of sunshine arrived by email - a download of the proofs of "Hebrides". More than 200 wonderful photographs of the Outer Hebrides taken by my good friend David Wilson. The design is complete, the text and captions in place. And only one word comes to mind. Stunning!
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