Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My cough is the result of...wait for it... side effects! 1 person out of 50 have this side effect and there's some kind of substance in the blood pressure medicine that build fluids in the lungs. With my already asthma tired lungs... well... not fun. My doc was a bit apologetic when he told me this and said that he should've thought about giving me the 'sister medicine' that hasn't got that kind of side effect. I told him that there was no chance he could've known I would get that. He told me that the extra tiredness I've been feeling was probably cause by coughing a lot. That takes energy from the body. I was so happy to hear this! Really soon I'll be able to sleep soundly at night and get some energy back. :) 
I'm now on 100% sick leave until early January next year, and that might be longer if I feel I need it. I'm relieved... Now I can focus completely on getting my health back, and then get practice or work. Before I left my doc, I felt a cough coming so I coughed in my sleeve and then reached for my bag to pick up some cough drops. I offered him one and he was happy to take it. Then I wished him a Happy New Year, and went on my way. :)

I have one job I need too apply for, though. It's a seasonal work at one of the public gardens in town. To do almost the same work as before. I'm sure these jobs are full time, so I need to persuade them that it's good to have someone doing practice half time too. :) Just imagine working in the Botanical garden, or the other garden, run by the university... Fingers crossed. :)

On my way back to the bus I passed this little booth again. I didn't pay attention to its content on my way to the heath clinic because I was looking at a dog that saw a squirrel in a tree, and the squirrel saw the dog... Fun meeting were I could almost imagine the squirrel stretching out his/her tongue to tease the dog. It's fury tail was twitching and it made som irritated noises. The dog, looked like a german shepherd, just stared... :D 
But, on my way back I saw it and found it super cute. Although I'm a pagan, I'm also a cultural anthropologist, and had I not gone the 'eco tourism way', I would surely had chosen some subject about religion. I did a paper about the Cistercians munks in Provence during my second semester in my anthropology studies. It was about getting funds to go and live in the Sénanque Abbey - where the munks grow and sell lavender. And of course I had some kind of question I wanted to get answers on, forgotten now. Something about retreats, I think...and/or about the munks making money from selling lavender products and taking in guests. :) 

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