Five pence adventure

I wonder when was the last time you handled a five pence piece. When I was a child a shilling was wealth, but five pence now . . . 

Anyway this five pence has had an adventure and is very clean!

Quite a long time ago now the washing machine was rattling. I knew it wasn’t the drum and it seemed to be working fine. Eventually we discovered how to open the filter at the bottom of the machine - not easy. And out came a pound coin. Success!

Only it wasn’t, as it was not long before it started rattling again and this time we could find nothing in the filter. The machine continued to work perfectly, but it also continued to rattle. We tried the filter a few times, but nothing. So we got used to the rattling. 

Then yesterday Gordon tried again and out came this five pence piece. Today it was really strange to have washing in . . . and no rattling. 

And Gordon says it won’t happen again. Not because he will remember to empty his pockets before he puts things in the washing basket . . . as if! No, he says he doesn’t carry coins around with him any more. Then I couldn’t remember when I last handled any coins. 

Back to my first question. 

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