My Year of Photos

By Louruss

Day 323 - Tunnel Fun and Games

Today all three dogs enjoyed a visit to a secure dog field. Ruby-Lou found immediately found a ball and chased that the whole time we were there getting very muddy.

Benji and Mabel enjoyed a run about and played on the equipment. Watching from a distance I caught something so sweet and special it made me smile.

Mabel had gone into the far end of the tunnel, Benji looked for her down the opposite end. Whilst Benji was looking for her she came out the tunnel the way she went in. Benji went in the tunnel to find her. Mabel now fully out of the tunnel, started looking for Benji and went into the tunnel. As she went in Benji came out looking for Mabel. The joy and excitement they shared when they found each other was just so very sweet.

I think the photos I captured tell the story perfectly.

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