
Today's plan was for Mr F to walk Elvis while I popped out to the shops for some more chicken food and then we'd get started on chipping and shredding the tree Mr F cut down.
As I drove up the road I came across a lovely puppy, all alone, wearing a red collar. She didn't have a name/phone number, but seemed friendly, and sat when we asked her to in French!
I popped her in the back of the car and drove around the neighbourhood asking people if they had lost a dog, but nobody recognised her.
To cut a long story short, we took her to the vet, who checked her chip, told us her name was Ella, and gave us two phone numbers. The vet had already rung the owners who didn't want us to know their address!
Mr F spoke to them, and they confirmed they would pick Ella up, but they didn't appear so he rang again and they said the wife was staying with her parents, about ten minutes up the road. As she was nine months pregnant she wasn't willing to collect the dog, so we walked Ella up the road!
Turns out that Ella wasn't a puppy,she was three years old, and was happy to be reunited with her family. They said they didn't have fences, so we're expecting to see her again for her breakfast tomorrow!
All this took until 2.30pm so we were late starting work today, and didn't get as much done as we wanted to, but there's always tomorrow!

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