TV Time

There is a routine in place.  Home; play; school work; tv time.  They love tv time, and it's been the best way of getting them to tell the time (5pm means it's tv time...).  Despite the absolute protestations, the eldest quite likes getting on with his school work, I think it's the one on one time, but whatever it is, I'm glad it's working (most of the time) 

Chaos at the moment when they do get it, the puppy goes crazy, the boys go crazy, everyone gets over-excited and trying to calm them all down is a complete mission. We'll get there.  Eventually. 

Quiet day, got some work done, about to do some reading. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The husband spending some time reviewing finances and saving us £800 a year by switching suppliers for a few things (!!!) 
A call from school to let me know the youngest was ok after a dodgy start to the day - they calmed him down with a book about tractors, which is a sure fire way to make him happy 
Bumping into a former colleague who also has a puppy and she suggested that as and when ours is old enough, we have some joint puppy walks.  

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