Last Rays
A bright and beautiful sunset seemed most unlikely as I drove back from Aberystwyth at lunchtime. I had been down to collect Tilda who is forming a bubble with us, also taking advantage of the opportunity to shop for a few things we can't get here or are cheaper in the big stores. However, the cloak of cloud and rain that enveloped us on the drive had lifted by mid afternoon so we took advantage of the brightness for a rather blowy walk along the seafront. We all walked as Jamie used his walking frame although he switched to the wheelchair after a while .... much faster and he'd done a good exercise session in the walker.
A good meeting on the phone with Ruth and the team in Birmingham. Just as Jamie seems to have struck lucky with his GP here, Ruth's new social worker is much more in tune with her needs. Jamie had a good video call of his own this afternoon too so a good day all round. It's great having Tilda here and she's a guest photographer, capturing the shot I'd have liked to take this afternoon when I put my hand in my pocket only to find my phone was not there!
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