Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Town Lights

Day 240 of COVID-19 Pandemic. England & N. Ireland in 2nd Lockdown; Wales & Scotland restricted.

Less than ten inutes away is Monmouth (UK) and they've got a splendid Christmas tree up outside the Town Hall with lovely lights all down the High Street. As I was passing I couldn't resist!  :)

Wide Wednesday Challenge

This weeks theme is 'Industrial' and again excellent photo's on the theme of which I've chosen 10 to receive hearts as soon as possible. Good to see new blippers again this week. Thanks to all who tagged entries to keep the challenge going. It's all for fun and I hope you enjoy looking at the following -

1.   ladypop                                 River Thames
2.   HOtamer                                Quarry
3.   Brentastic                              crane
4.   Suejay50                                Old Factory
5.   Lsquare                                  New Building
6.   AnnieBelle                              Crane
7.   RockArea                                Post Industrial Landscape
8.   Paola                                        Hopper
9.   Doyley22                                 Factory Unit
10  Didyounotice                          Pylon


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