Yeah, right
The day started so well.
Despite being shielded from a lot of work by someone I’m doing a big contract for, the day was hijacked in very many ways. And I was dragged into a great many meetings, despite my having designated it a no-makeup and no-hairbrushing sort of a day. At least I was wearing clean clothes!
Tomorrow’s plan to get my head down for a few hours early work has been scuppered by someone spotting the time zone I live in and stealing an early morning slot. Can’t blame her for being eager on her first big sale.
Rain this morning, then largely dry and sunny, I’m told. Delicious Tom Yum soup for lunch.
Am a bit overwhelmed by life today. Only one day until I can make a break for the garden though. And it turns out that my most used emoji is the one that means I want to murder people. When did life get so hard?
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