
By caitjob

Nanterre Ville RER station

While waiting for a RER to go to uni I took this picture of the view across the station.

When we got to uni there was a guy in our lecture giving out surveys to gather information for a project for his degree so we filled them out. It was about our degrees and our views on our university etc. It turned out our lecturer was 'souffrante' (being ill sounds a lot worse in French than in English) and therefore the lecture was cancelled which was a good thing in a way as it gave me time to catch up on work.

The seminar on 'The Awakening' was fairly uneventful I must say, mainly because it was quite warm and everyone seemed quite sleepy. I was going to go swimming with Becky but she seems really quite ill at the moment which isn't good. Instead I skyped my parents and finished seminar work for tomorrow- I may regret taking a history module now I know how much work it entails...

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