Funhouse Mirror ...

A whole day busy with (trial and error) reconnecting my laptops and phone and tablet to the internet. And learned during the day that I don't need an amplifier to solve the problems with wifi in this house, but an extra access point. Well, that's for tomorrow.

The only chance to make a blip outside was during the tea break in the afternoon. I found this female duck in the neighborhood. The water was flat like a mirror.

At the time I had grabbed my camera there came another female swam. That brought a lot of ripples in the water. And the flat mirror changed, as it were, in a funhouse mirror.

To look for more details in that mirror, please press 'L' on the keyboard.

Now I discover that my entry is the 730th blip. I had assumed that it would be tomorrow. So mistake!

The continuing problems with the internet the last week have me severely distracted ...

Thank you for all your support. You all are real blip friends! Thanks to the 'boys' of Blip Central, for making this all possible ... ;)

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