Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In the time of Covid-19

Today I was in centre of Corbridge for the first time since March and the first lockdown. I had an appointment at the dentist because I had some pain. It turned out to be nothing serious, but I was glad of the opportunity for a check up and a bit of plaque removal!

It was cold (only 6 degrees) but very sunny. I took the opportunity to capture a few photographs of people during this second lockdown. The young women in the photograph were very happy to oblige and I decided (for once) to keep the photographer in the frame.

My second outing was to the physio this afternoon. More massage, more ultrasound and more improvement. No time for a walk today.

Mum watched a Zoom meeting with me. It was a presentation of work in progress where the photographer is documenting a tiny area of woodland on an industrial estate. There were stills, video and audio. We were deeply underwhelmed. I often feel like this when I watch conceptual work. The ideas may be good, but, surely the quality of the work has to be good too. Other audience members raved about it, so it is perhaps me who is out of step. I did like her idea of asking us to play a dawn chorus sound file while she presented images.

Later, the RPS Landscape group had a presentation by Mike Winsor of Newfoundland and Labrador. The landscapes were enormous and dramatic. It looks like a wonderful place to explore, but I suspect that it would be very strenuous to undertake the journeys he described.

Quite a contrast to the other work.

Lots to think about.

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