Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Oh Dear

God turned the tap on again today, the rain has been hammering down all day.  Grrrrrr!  I would love a cold snap, crisp, cold days are much better than these wet, cold days.

Nothing exciting to report really today.

I thought I would share the news on the vaccine I heard from my transplant surgeon last night.  He did a Q&A to the kidney community on the vaccine.  It was good to hear an authoritative healthcare professional talk about in a calm and reassuring manner.  He is quietly optimistic that this time next year we will be in a different world.  There is light at the end of this dark tunnel, we just have to get through the next few months.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  These wonderful gifts from a friend, who has kindly made me a Christmas Cake, a pudding and a jar of sweet minced meat.
2.  Delicious chilli bread that I made yesterday

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