Physalis alkekengi -
All parts of the plant, except the fruit, are poisonous. I have eaten them in the past but prefer them as decoration on a dessert, dried in an arrangement, or just plonked in a dish to wonder over. The Chinese Gooseberry plant was a birthday gift from Jorgiesmum, & is now settled in my garden. A perfect plant for my garden as I like hot colours. The fruits in their 'spun sugar cages' will last now that I've picked them & brought them indoors. They are also begging to be snapped. With the weather being as it is today it made a suitable subject for my blip.
I was up early this morning, shopped & down to Mum's, she was eating breakfast so I offered to take Indie for her morning walk. It's very mucky underfoot everywhere so I walked the back of the hearth, fortunately had a spare poo bag in my pocket so picked up some crab apples for Mum to feed the blackbirds. They're going through an apple a day, in her garden. I was tempted to go back a pick up more to make jelly, but have run out of storage space for preserves & pickles, although sitting here typing this I'm feeling the urge to make jelly. I love crab apple jelly, the flavour takes me back to childhood holidays in Cornwall. Back to have coffee with Mum before heading home.
I've actually completed the seed packing. Now itching to get started on my next project. I have one on the go already but have to wait for the charity shops to open before I can continue. It might be time to dig out all my walkabout finds. The weather forecast is iffy until Thursday. Gosh! I could have the spare bedroom empty by then ............ It won't happen! I'll take everything out take a look then pack it all back again. well, I might have to make room to accommodate the seeds.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting
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