Indian Pacific Moods

Better late than never eh......I thought it was time I posted the rest of the pictures from Andreas Birthday trip last month......

Things might be a bit hazy as it was a while back but I'll try my best!

We started the adventure by taking the Indian Pacific from Sydney to Adelaide, the train trip takes approximately 24 hours and unlike the last time I travelled on it I travelled in luxury! We had a cabin which was relatively comfortable, the food was good and the whole trip was a lot of relaxing fun!

Today's picture shows the emotions Andrea went through when we got on the train and found there was complementary bubbly wait for us.........

Found out there were bubbles.....
Enjoying bubbles......
Bubbles taking effect.......
No more bubbles.......

Over all the trip on the train was great fun but I'm glad that as a Railcorp employee I only paid 30% of the full fare.....much more reasonable!

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