Wormwood blur
My plan for today was to get going on an editing task on the computer, meaning editing a melody that was a bit out of sync and then add a guitar part to it. That done I started to add more instruments. Hopefully it can be sent away for approval tomorrow.
It's been very windy all day with rain every now and then and I agreed with the cat when we looked out through the front door "I'm not going out in that!" There was only one photo taken today, same motif three times, trying to work out if there is anything wrong with the camera on my phone. All three pictures came out blurred and I don't know what to do different, it was the same yesterday where half of my pictures were blurred. I'll test it a bit more tomorrow. The tree is an Ash that's been pruned, the branches looks a bit like worms growing out of it.
Both the cat and I did go out in the end I needed some fresh air and decided to empty all the trash that's waiting to go to the recycling station down the road. Being single I don't need to do it more than once every other month, I don't use all that much stuff, but it feels good to contribute to the recycling of glass, paper and plastic.
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