
As expected today I've felt the effects of a busy couple of days. Concussion doesn't respond well to trying to push on. I've still done stuff and allowed for more time for brain breaks and meditation.

I applied some love to the bit of garden near my front door. Using the pillar (left) and feature pot (right) I braced myself as I cut back the unruly reeds.

My vestibular system was challenged and as I packed up I was the woman staggering on her front lawn with secateurs in hand. With concussion good things take time. I'm glad that I have an appointment next week to help sort it out.

Yesterday Jasper started limping. He was first up at the vet this morning. The examination showed up discomfort around his right elbow. It's probably a sprai and he has pain meds for a few days. I managed the trip well.

I think he's going to be one of those cats who's a frequent flier at the vet. He needs to find an advertising job to pay for his bills. ;-)

Today's gratitude: For being accepting and gentle of myself.

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