
By aliche

A Swim on Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D)

Happy Valentines Day/ Single Awareness Day!

We started the morning with a (failed) beach jog in our attempt to get fit this February! The weather turned grey but muggy, so a swim was very much wanted and needed. Nearly all public beaches in Australia have showers, so free showers for budget campers make the camping experience more hygienic. However I was looking forward to having a shower in a room by myself!

Our aim today was to find a nice cafe with nice cake and coffee. It was our Valentines treat to each other! That evening we bush camped next to the beach in Wye River. This was a really secluded spot, however we had to set our tents up late in the evening to avoid being moved!

That night we went into the Great Otway National Park to see the glow worms. This was one of the highlights of the trip. Despite being in the complete darkness and only wearing flip flops (I was terrified of stepping on a snake or spider!), the glow worms lit up the night and I felt I was on the planet Pandora in Avatar. There was a couple also observing the glow worms. We were slightly jealous but also slightly sickened of this Valentines day treat!

On our drive back we stumbled across a Koala bear strolling across the road. He seemed pretty chilled out, and had probably fallen out of a tree after eating too many Eucalyptus leaves.

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