...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

A little LOVE from the undergrowth

My girl had her wisdom teeth out on Friday. Today she still had pain so the doctor wanted to see her. She was still on pain meds and didn't feel like she should drive, so I picked her up. They packed the holes with medicated gauze like things (? do they have a name? I just remembered they tasted nasty) and she came over to our house. Trav will pick her up when he gets off work. She is feeling better, so that indicated, according to the Doc that she had a dry socket. She isn't as swollen but UGH...I remember the misery of this recovery. I made her some pho broth and a green smoothie. Of course we had a regular dinner and that made her sad. She will be back to her old self soon enough. But for now, I will sneak the dark chocolate covered almonds...yum!!! (it's not mean, it's not her favorite anyways)!!!

Love this little heart shaped growth. We got some rain today. They are calling for more tonight and tomorrow! I don't mind!!!

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