A time for everything

By turnx3

A gloomy afternoon at Sharon Woods

It was a grey, largely wet day. We had three tries this morning to watch our streamed church service - first time, our daughter Laura called, the second, my brother Peter and his wife Judy called, and finally third time we were able to finish watching it! The rain finally showed some sign of letting up around 2.45, so we headed over to Sharon Woods. There was still a light drizzle when we got there, but as we walked, even that stopped. I had taken my new iPhone 12, (just picked up on Friday evening!) to try it out in the poor light, and I was very pleased with it. We came across a few interesting sights on our walk - a couple of colourful painted rocks and a couple of trees adorned with a few Christmas decorations - which made a cheerful sight on a grey day!
Roast pork for dinner with stuffing and apple sauce, washed down with some red wine!
Thankful today for a comfortable warm home on a cool damp day, for phone calls from family, for my new iPhone, and food on the table!

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