Taking A Break

This goose and I spent a fair amount of time checking for activity on the water but it was pretty quiet.  It's been cold and damp which seems to be our forecast for the immediate future.   I did have some serious squirrel activity but they were too fast for me to get a picture.   I was handing out peanuts and not really paying attention when I realized that one of the squirrels had come inside.  Fortunately, he left just as fast as he had entered.  

A day or two ago I let Lizzie out and left the front door open.  When she came back in she went straight to my bedroom and sure enough, Bolt was under the bed.  He apparently couldn't resist the open door.  Lizzie doesn't like Bolt so I had to get creative to lure him back outside.  Once he came out from under the bed he was more than happy to get out!

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