It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Seeing into the Future

I saw into the future this morning. I knew when I looked at Blip, there would be a million sunrises as the sky had been amazing. I did my best to capture it in my own way, doing a square crop and under-exposing a tad!

I marked a few assignments today. I wish I got more time with the students. I have some amazing ones, but many forget that the 'internal commentary' i.e. the voice inside one's head, whilst making sense when we listen to ourselves....comes out garbled when written down. It therefore needs to be thought about, re-ordered in a logical fashion and then added to using the thoughts of others who have previously taken the time to write them down. Unless one has a particular talent, writing well takes ages! 

Admittedly, my head has also been in a garbled mess for about a week. I'm frustrated with the world in general and specifically feeling trapped in the city....Whilst I do enjoy Harry's Garage on YouTube, I detest that everywhere I look are cars. Parked on pavements, across dropped kerbs, speeding at 40mph in  20 zones  and generally making our planet a less pleasant place to live. They seem to bring out many of the worst elements of human behaviour. I hid in the house all day yesterday, just not wishing to face the world.

But this morning's photo cheered me up. No matter how shite the world may seem, the sun always rises and there's beauty somewhere. 

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