
By Farmerboab

Horse Hay Rake.....

A day of this and that .
Managed to entice the 4 wee stirks in from the banking first thing this morning when I fed them and got Littlemiss out her bed to help me give them their first pneumonia vaccine jag. Put them back to the field then she came to help feed the rest of the outside cattle.
The rest of the day was the usual weekend stuff- feeding , bagging up bruised barley etc.
Wee brother wanted lifted up with the loader to change tubes in a strip light in a shed, but it turned out the whole unit was goosed , so I came home and wired up my last spare one then went back and swapped it.
This is an old horse drawn hay rake that has been lying in one of the hill fields ever since I can remember. There is a cast name plate on it saying it is a Nicholson Snapdragon. It used to have a cast iron seat on it but a local vintage tractor enthusiast asked if he could have it 30 odd years ago. Would probably be worth money these days as trendy pubs used to make them into bar stools, and as you know , pubs are becoming an endangered species these days too

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