One day I’ll fly away
A funny thing happened last night. I was telling himself about the record shop which used to be in town.. a thought occurred to me... there’s a Facebook page about ‘old town’
So I went to it and put a search in ...
And a story came up, dated 2014; as I read it, a sense of familiarity crept over me.. I read on and recognised the story being recounted as mine... I looked at who had posted it, and recognised the name as someone I knew vaguely from school; but at the foot of the story ‘anonymous’ ....
It was my story ... it was lifted from my blip in 2013 - and posted a year later. I had even commented on it ‘been a while since I wrote this’. And I have no recollection whatsoever
You just don’t known who reads your blips and how far it travels.
Today I headed to the beach first thing; I’m glad i did; it was freezing but at least it was dry; as the day progressed it got windier and wetter.
This guy was brave .... in the water at 8 am bouncing across those waves
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