Copenhagen Dreaming

By dennisjorgensen

Espionage - Day 2

Today I got into the premises from the other side. Again it depicts the main power station. The important new discovery in this photo, is that there are three large generators on the building. The three large turbines to the left is believed to contain nuclear waste. I have to find out if the material is pouring out somewhere. There's a strong indication that something is very wrong with the environment.
Today I found an empty oil barrel. So I cut out the bottom of it and made a tiny hole in it, so I could peek out. I crawled into it, and slowly walked past the guards disguised as an oil barrel. Every time no one was watching I took a step further. But I really need to get closer, and this is not the way to do it. To my unbelievable luck, on my way out, I found a stealth suit. So tomorrow I can maybe get into the factory without being seen. It's dangerous, but somebody has to do it.. For our children's sake...

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