
By MoezaremiA

Happy Birthday Laura

Today I ventured down to Cambridge to wish old friend Laura a Happy 21st Birthday. It was quite a random day - arrived around 1pm, met Tem at the station, did a little charity-shop shop and spent an hour attempting to do work in Waterstones Cafe. Met up with Laura at 4 and helped her take a million bottles of champagne, sparkling wine and cakes out of her dads car.
Laura's dad is an absolute babe. He baked a single layer Norwegian Marzipan Cake, two double layer Chocolate Fudge cakes and two triple layer Orange, Carrot and Pistachio cakes... Then assembled them in her room. There was sooo much left over.

The actual event was pretty chilled out, the theme was childhood games. I went as a gameboy (one of lauras t shirts, with the buttons drawn on - poor effort) and Laura went as mousetrap which was wonderfully put together. Cambridge uni allows their students to 'rent' the old halls for free. How nice.
Champagne was had, cake was eaten.

The picture was taken just before Laura had to leave for Lacrosse practice.

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