
Mia took one of her epileptic seizures around 5 a.m. this morning. She had been sleeping beside me when she suddenly let out a howl and jumped off the bed. Normally she bolts off before collapsing but she started seizing before she left the bedroom. We have a wee routine we follow when this happens - I jump up, grab a towel to stop her hurting herself and hold it on her until she stops. Martin goes and gets a bowl of cat milk as she is always really thirsty afterwards - it’s also the only time she ever drinks cat milk! Then we make sure she can’t go outside even if she wants to. Sometimes it takes her a while to settle as she is disoriented but then she usually lies beside me on the couch and rests. And I try to get some more sleep! Although she is on two types of medication twice a day, these ‘break through’ seizures happen every few months. Fortunately, she is only ever a bit more sleepy the next day. As am I!

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