Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Pan Fried Star Fish with Beef Dripping.

Another shot to test the iPhone 12.  It takes rather good pics of food, pity I can't get out to do any restaurant pics.  Which has reminded me... When digital first came into limited commercial use, around 2000/2001 I was asked to do a series of meal shots for the Log House in Ambleside on my Nikon E990.  The chef came in early on the Sunday morning and prepared a dozen or so dishes for their new menu.  Just at the end of the shoot the local police called in to check on something that happened on the Saturday night.  We all got talking and they remarked that they were getting digital cameras fitted in their squad cars and ask to look at the one I was using.  They were impressed.

When I got home I started to layout the design for the new menu, opened the CF card and all I had was the blurred faces of two police people (man and woman).  They'd wiped the whole thing clean!  OMG  The owner of the restaurant was not pleased.

BTW The dish above was a delicious grilled fig and blue cheese on a toasted olive oil and pesto bread base.

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