jeni and the beans

By themessymama

What I'm Doing Now

There's a hashtag used a lot on instagram "whatimdoingnow" or "widn". This was my widn at five to eleven at night, thinking about a pretty good day, and realising I had no photos to go with it. You're lucky that Steve was just out of shot. (I think. I should check, really.) (Phew) The boys had called me back to bed so we gave up and turned in too.

Lovely lovely day though. Went out for the afternoon to see friends, to talk, drink tea, let our kids play, connect. Always a joy, and happens most half terms and term holidays! Had another good chat about home educating with Chantal. Bean spent almost the whole time on the trampoline, Bear spent his time indoors even though I'd put his shoes on and he was allowed out, and it was lovely to just sit and not be on high alert for a while.

Three pregnant ladies in the house today - kinda nice to not be feeling overwhelmingly broody at the moment! As much as I do want more children, I imagine that even if we did start trying for another right now my body wouldn't respond. Not fertile at the moment, thanks to the Bean and the Bear! Wondering if things will have changed (things being breastfeeding related) by the end of this year...

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