Tuesday's painting...

...Okay, this will have to be my painting for today.

Horrible neighbour was out this morning, so I took the chance of moving stuff outside my kitchen door and that passage, so I could do a sort of wall barrier between him, his bedroom window, and the intrusive flashing lights. This is in addition to the great Xmas wall at the back to protect my bedroom window....

I have been half coming up with an idea to make that section outside the bathroom window as a sort of Xmas grotto. It faces his bedroom window. And it depends what I can find in the garage, and in the pound shop later this week. 

I cut some more bamboo, it does need a haircut anyway, and fixed it on to the two Buddliea growing in dustbins that I moved to in front of the bathroom window.

But unfortunately his car came back before I had finished. I needed one more piece of bushy bamboo.

If it is not enough against those flashing lights tonight in the bathroom, then Jacqueline Nicholson will be taking something off the rafters of her garage......

There is no problem with him seeing me doing stuff on my own property, but I want the final result to be a sudden surprise...

Now I had the idea this morning of making a Santa Claus. And different heads. And for it to move...daily to a different position on my wall. I need to work out logistics, and how big or little should it be?

I still have the original project I mentioned yesterday on Monday, but as a temporary measure, the bamboo leaning against my window shielded the flashing lights last night....

So, my painting for today....
In ZenBrush3 of course...

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