Big Hill

By bighill

The Gorge.

After taking the covid gargle test on Saturday, i got my 'negative' results Sunday morning...all went very smoothly and finally i got to hug my girls!!!

Morgan moved into my airbnb on Sunday and we had a quiet evening - Bronwyn made a delicious pasta dish.....we then did what we always have to do....watched Grey's anatomy!!!   Bronwyn is finished the 16th season, i'm half way thro and Morgan just we're back at the beginning of the latest season, happily watching our favourite drama together!

Bronwyn and i did some shopping, being in a fabulous art supply store and not being able to just wander and browse, was a bit frustrating.....they were really busy and only 6 customers in the store at a time.....but it went fine and we got what i needed.   then onto a lovely walk along the gorge.   Sun came out and i got some beautiful images!

Quiche for dinner!

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