
By Mindseye

Feathered friend #7

A bit of a sleep deprived night, settled after 5 but of course the comings and goings of the day disturbed us, so got up and made a brew, hub had biscuits too, nevertheless we didnt get up properly until much later, it was still morning, just ;-)

Fruit and yogurt for breakfast, or maybe it was lunch. Later I popped out for hubs paper and a couple of other things.I walked back the longer route so as to get a little bit of exercise 4k steps today, double whats become my average lately :-/ It felt really mild, I was warm by the time I got home....our new neighbour caught me as I was walking up the drive, asked me if I would like to see the results of all the work......their house was exactly the same as ours, but what a difference now. A lovely job. They are moving in this weekend,

Managed to catch this little fellow on one of the feeders in the back garden.... a coat tit I think, but happy to be corrected?? He was flitting back and forth at speed, very difficult to focus, not the best shot Ive ever taken.

Hub fancied a flash fried steak sandwich for his lunch, so thats what we had, with lettuce tomatoes and a bit of mayo.....enjoyed them too.

Afternoon just disappeared and it was dark no sooner than we had got up, or so it seemed!
Hub has been enjoying Yellowstone on tv, watched several episodes whilst I pottered about, did a bit of hand washing, still not got the x decs down though! We had a jam donut with a cuppa, they were lovely!

Dinner tonight is yet to be decided......looking forward to the GBBO final later, Peter for me should win, but who knows.

Christmas rules announced today, think a lot of people might think twice.....who knows?!
Keep on staying safe peeps

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