
A very wet and mild day. Islay was reluctant to do even a half circuit of Pollok Park this morning, she and the elephant both look somewhat lacklustre.
The sculpture is an oak carved African Bull Elephant, commissioned by Glasgow City Council as part of the Commonwealth Games Park twinning Initiative. Sadly, it now beginning to look quite dilapidated. It sits just outside the children’s play area with an instruction not to climb over it. Islay showed no curiosity whatsoever.
We competed the circuit in the afternoon by which time the river had reached the wooden seat opposite yesterday’s blip. Lovely to coincidentally meet E, and then J (UWS) who I hadn’t seen for over five years, followed by P. So an unexpected very sociable afternoon, and it stayed dry.
Will endeavour not to ponder over Christmas this evening. I know what the answer is so there is very little point in going through the risks and benefits. The prospect is not unappealing, and I will be able to watch Black Narcissus in real time.

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