
By Bowen

Cracks to explore

My backyard has two apple trees, trees I'm ashamed to say I have never had trimmed.  Well today was the day, I got a tree guy out here to try and help the trees out.  The tree on the northeast corner was in REALLY bad shape, I know this.  Well it sure looks naked now!  The tree guy said that he only took out about 25% of what really needs to be done so he already has me on the books to call next fall after the first hard freeze.  The upside to the now naked tree is it created all these cracks for the flickers to look for food.  This female was here all through my lunch looking for her own grub.  She must have done fairly well because she sure wasn't using the suet feeder I have hanging.  As far as the tree, next summer I will be able to mow under it without cursing it and I'll be interested to see what kind of fruit it bares.

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