And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

so close...

Hey guys, well first thing first did I lose the lb to get my stone? NO :( half a bloody lb all them weeks I lost 2 lbs and the week I really wanted to lose just one lb and I lost half a lb! there are a few factors though, totm woman will know what im on about, and the PCOS dont help matters either. But you know what I dont care how long it takes me to get this weigh off its coming off I wont give up this time, I put the weight on I can take it off. Watch this space next week guys.

We headed off to wykeham forest this morn had a great walk but it was a wee bit nippy! didn't bother Ash though lol this was the first photo of the day not one of the best but I like it as I had a little play about the contrast and so on.
We called at Morrison on the way back and got tons of fruit never in my life time have we needed 2 fruit bowls going at once lol im off for another walk now cos thats how im rolling today ;) have a fab day guys.

love c x x x

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