Naughty but Nice

I know we are on a diet but sometimes you need that little bit of comfort especially when you find you are in tier 3 so still under strict guidelines. I am beginning to get used to feeling like a hermit. If I lived at the coast I could collect driftwood and make odd things for people to buy at my hermit cave. Oh hum never mind it's nearly Christmas. and I have got all my cards and pressies ready, except when will I be able to give them to them, mmm maybe next Easter.

and we had fish and chips for tea (home made of course) got some nice fish from Tesco.

I saw the International Space Station passing over tonight it was a bit cloudy but in-between the clouds you could just see it as it passed in front of the moon at about 5.15pm. very tiny it's amazing to think that there are people up there in space .

It was cold today, and I did the rest of my grocery shopping for the next 2 weeks, so apart from the odd bits like milk and bread, thats no more big shops to worry about

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