New 3rd ager

By 1pTrader

LockdownV2 Day 22 - Memories

Three years ago today, having been found unresponsive the day before Dad died.Having suffered a few falls 10 months prior he had moved into a rest home.  

Prior to that he had lived on his own since mum died 15 yrs previously.  Apart from a weekly cleaner, he had no help  , and as long as someone would give him a lift once a month to Waitrose he did his own shopping and having taught himself to cook,loved to knock up a stew, a roast or anything else he fancied. His funeral was held 10 days later on what would have been his 104th birthday .

He was a night fighter pilot in WWII but rarely talked about it. I'm just pleased he didn't have to live through this pandemic.

We started today with a good old autumn bonfire, then walked to Garnsey's Tower where the view over culmstock  on towards Taunton was perfect.

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