A quick selfie with my mum while cooking lunch together - such a small thing to do but what a big impact on how happy it made us .
Uncle S remains stable and the hospital won’t let us in to visit still but after various phone calls we have a hospital cancer nurse coming to assess him with a view to getting him home for palliative care . The cog is moving very very slowly. Mum is very relieved. I am quietly cautious until there is some actual action.
Had to take the jeep to the car wash, my muddy old Irish car was a total embarrassment compared to the neighbours new, sparkly vehicles . Plenty of range rovers to take the kids to school around here and not a tow bar between them ! There are so many more cars than the last time I visited and nearly every other front garden is paved and has 2-3 cars per house. It’s still lovely and I have to say very clean and tidy, I’m not used to all these good roads and pavements ! No clumps of agricultural muddy stuff across the lanes !

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