Black Friday Sales

The stores have gone crazy with their Black Friday Sales, most stores over price their normal retail stock and then do these crazy sales with a false impression of giving the customer a great deal. Marie and I went to one such store as I wanted to purchase an Electric Toothbrush, I bought my Toothbrush, 2 sets of King size sheets, cups, a plate and a bunch of other stuff. This reminds me of the time we replaced the Microwave oven and come home with a new bed as well lol. I got my results back from my course and am really pleased with the great result ,CONGRATS MARIO!!!
I thought I would just let you know before the weekend  that I have completed my assessment of your 4098/11281 and you have achieved. Thank you so much for taking the training on board so positively and applying it so well in your assessment process. You have a lovely manner which I am sure your trainees will appreciate!
Well done, and all the best for the next steps. Connexis will be in touch once the results have been processed.
I wish you well in your assessor journey and I hope you get to have a good break over Christmas and New Year!
Ngā mihi nui!
Amanda Smidt | Executive Director

 whero  pango ka oti ai te mahi

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