Surprise and lot of text on Trump
The postman delivered me this magazine from Greece and it's sent by friends of mine there who are evangelicals and produce their magazine on seasonal basis. They know I won't submit myself to any religion, nevertheless they like to have me in their maillist and to me it's always a surprise to see what photo of my hand they've put on the cover, coz they often use one of mine. And their magazine, for me is handy when I want to practice my greek reading.
This last week of November is one of quite some turmoil in politics; not only Donald J. Trump lost his seat in politics, here in Holland young rightwing man Thierry Baudet also found himself suddenly on a sinking ship. He loves camera's but like Trump blames the media and now he's politically curtailed
And the newspaper here has a nice psychological view on Trump's Waterloo his digestion of his defeat, what''s like mourning, of course it is:
The downfall of
Trump in 600 tweets
Since Donald Trump lost the election, he has mostly been indoors. He expresses his emotions on Twitter. The president swings back and forth between denial, anger, and sadness. Is the acceptance phase coming now?
Natalie Righton
27 November 2020, 1:00 PM
US President Donald Trump has barely made himself visible in public since he lost the election to Joe Biden on November 3. His public agenda was virtually empty this week. He does not answer questions from the media.
The only window left to the public on Trump's inner world is Twitter. In the private rooms of the White House, he spends hours sending short messages. The more than six hundred tweets Trump has sent since election day (almost thirty a day) say a lot about his state of mind.
Trump has such an impulsive character that he is unable to conceal his joy or anger. He was unable to do that for four years as president, and he is unable to do so now that he is tweeting at home. It is noticeable in his recent tweets that his mood bears remarkable similarities to that of someone recently abandoned by a loved one. First there was disbelief, then denial, followed by anger and sadness. The acceptance phase, which most ex-lovers eventually end up in, has only just arrived for Trump. Or should we not interpret those few tweets about it that way?
I. Unbelief
Donald J. Trump
Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.
Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled. Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong! |
Learn about US 2020 election security efforts
4:04 PM Nov 4, 2020
Hardly anyone in Donald Trump's camp told him he could lose the election too. Losing does not suit his character. He has a dead brother to losers. "Great VICTORY," reports Trump when the first election results roll in just after midnight and Fox News declares him the winner of the crucial state of Florida. Trump is so enthusiastic that he will tweet in CAPITAL LETTERS. He does this more often when he experiences strong emotions.
At the same time, he builds on the campaign he started in March: that it is the "most unfair election in American history." That the culprit would have been found (the Democrats) if he did lose. So it is not unexpected that four minutes after his victory tweet, Trump reports, "We are BIG ahead, but they are trying to STEAL the election." It's intimidating. Exactly what he is after.
Donald J. Trump
Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.
We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!
Learn about US 2020 election security efforts
6:49 AM Nov 4, 2020
To be proved right, he often bends the truth to his will. It has become Trump's trademark. So that also happens this election night. For example, Trump demands that "no more votes may be cast!". But that won't happen on November 4 either. Only votes are counted.
Trump is not waiting for the outcome. At 2:30 in the morning, he delivers a premature victory speech to a cheering audience: "We won these elections!" Says a visibly enjoying Trump.
But when he returns to Twitter 7.5 hours later, which he always does when he just woke up, the euphoria turns to disbelief. His lead has "magically disappeared," he tweeted in amazement. According to Trump because of fraud. In reality, the first postal votes were counted that night. And those are - as predicted - especially for Biden.
A panicked tweet follows: "STOP THE COUNTING!" Never before has a presidential candidate demanded that electoral officials stop counting.
II Denial
Donald J. Trump
Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted
4:36 PM Nov 7, 2020
The realization just doesn't get through that Trump is heading for defeat. Within 24 hours, the atmosphere in the Trump house turns into total denial. The president tweeted again as if he were shouting, `` I WON THIS ELECTION! '' Although Twitter issues a warning to this tweet that the results are not yet known, this is becoming Trump's most popular post about the election (over 1 million 'likes' ).
The denial takes on grotesque forms. Trump invents large-scale electoral fraud for which there is no evidence. His communications advisers are unable to contain him. When he just took office as president, they asked Twitter if his tweets could be delayed by 15 seconds so that they could limit the worst damage. Especially early in the morning is a dangerous moment: that's when he tweets the most and his advisers aren't there yet. An employee called Trump's Twitter use at the time the "ultimate weapon of mass destruction" (he previously almost sparked war with North Korea, boasting about his nuclear button).
Donald J. Trump
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
1:49 AM Jan 3, 2018
When Biden is declared the winner by major media networks on Saturday afternoon, November 7, Trump still denies. At home, his wife Melania and son-in-law Jared talk to him. His Twitter timeline comes to a standstill for a few hours, which happens more often when Trump has to consider the next step. That evening, television commentators make suggestions as to how Trump can say goodbye with dignity; by highlighting his successes and the greatest Republican rise of all time. They are things that someone with narcissistic traits likes to hear. "71 million legal votes. Most EVER for a sitting president, "Trump tweeted after them.
But sons Eric and Donald advise something completely different that same evening. Just like their father, they were brought up with the life lesson of Grandpa Fred: `` Life is a struggle, be a winner. '' When Trump wakes up the next morning, he makes a crucial decision that is entirely in line with that spirit: he doesn't care at all. on. A Twitter mess of accusations follows. The media are also being beaten, because they have wrongly declared Biden the winner. "Since when did media determine that?", Trump tweeted. He omits that this has been happening for decades.
III Anger
Donald J. Trump
People will not accept this Rigged Election! |
This claim about election fraud is disputed
3:37 AM Nov 11, 2020
In the days that follow, Trump has raged more than ever about "falsified elections", making mincemeat of anyone who dares to claim he has lost. In a three-day tantrum, Trump then announced three steps that are seen in many developing countries as an alarm signal that someone wants to seize power illegally: he successively tightens his grip on the departments of Defense, Justice and Foreign Affairs.
First of all, Defense Secretary Mark Esper loses his job. Rather, he was strongly against the deployment of the army against its own protesting people. Later that Monday evening, Nov. 9, Trump tweets that his Attorney General William Barr has authorized an investigation into electoral fraud, although there is still no evidence. But the real bombshell comes from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who openly speculates on November 11 about a second term for Trump.
The idea that Trump might be trying to stay in power through a coup is fierce debate among Americans. Democrats cannot believe that despite the results, there is a threat of a second term for Trump. Millions of Republicans, meanwhile, cannot believe that the election has been "stolen" and that Biden can get away with it.
The chaos doesn't hurt Trump. In fact, it is his hobby: causing controversy via Twitter and then quietly watching what happens. But Trump's latest provocations alarm journalists. CNN speaks of "a dictator's steps", The Washington Post of a "danger". Even Fox News, Trump's mainstay for many years, is beginning to question his baseless allegations of electoral fraud. Trump compares his former favorite channel to "fake news". Media refusing to report what Trump wants are "enemies of the people," he angrily tweets. It is a term that dictator Stalin often used for his opponents.
IV Doubt and sadness
Running in America's presidential election requires "a certain amount of megalomania and insanity," said former President Obama, presenting his book on his White House years. If those traits also apply to Trump, it is hardly surprising that it is difficult for him to acknowledge his loss at all.
So when top Homeland Security officials stated in a joint statement on Friday, Nov. 13 that these were `` the safest elections in U.S. history '' and that there was no fraud, Trump doesn't believe them at first (he even fires the messenger of the message).
Yet it is not made of stone. Later that evening, Trump expressed his first doubts about the survival of his presidency. "Time will tell" who is in the White House in January, he said during a press conference on corona. Is it a slip of the tongue? Or a first sign that he is facing his loss? Trump vehemently denies two days later: "Fake news! I don't admit anything at all! "
Donald J. Trump
He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!
This claim about election fraud is disputed
3:19 PM Nov 15, 2020
But his advisers paint a different picture. Namely from a president who does have doubts about his position. They talk to him about a new political future, such as participating in the elections in 2024. That idea appeals to his wish to remain in the spotlight. He even seems to accidentally tweet about it: "We're going to win," as if he's already working on a new campaign. But there is also a problem: Since a US president can serve up to two terms, he would take such a step to recognize that he lost in 2020. And he doesn't want that.
The dilemma does not leave Trump untouched. Confidants say the president is gloomy and walks back and forth between the Oval Office and his private rooms all day long. Just as an abandoned loved one needs time to accept that a relationship is over, Trump needs time to say goodbye to his presidency, they think.
V Acceptance
Donald J. Trump
I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused - and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.
12:16 PM Nov 24, 2020
On Monday, November 23, the game seems to be over. Trump's legal and political attempts to reverse the election results fail one by one. The crucial states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada turn their backs on him and recognize Biden as the winner. Trump's Twitter timeline returns to dead silence.
Still, it should come as no surprise to Trump. Certainly his lawsuits were a mess from the start. Although he continues to publicly say that massive electoral fraud has been committed, his lawyers do not make that fraud argument to the lawsuits. If you fail to bring up the evidence in court, it must mean that the evidence does not exist, his formerly loyal party colleague Chris Christie said a day earlier. The judges also expressed their dissatisfaction with the clumsiness of Trump's defense team in recent days. "A Frankenstein monster," the Pennsylvania judge called the "tied arguments" of Trump's lawyers.
The events are forcing Trump to face reality. On Monday, he is put on the block by the government's facility service: they want to give Biden's team real access to government buildings and funds, so that the transfer between officials can be properly arranged. Trump tweeted resignedly: "Do whatever it takes according to protocol." And on Thursday, more than three weeks after the election, he admits for the first time that he will leave the White House if the electoral college formally names Biden the winner on December 14.
There are also practical reasons why Trump should acknowledge his loss. Although the Republican party leaders still support him, his pillars elsewhere in the party are falling one by one. The exodus has also begun among his staff: some offices in the West Wing are already empty. And in the front yard of the White House, Biden's podium of honor for the inauguration parade is being erected. The time for Trump to leave home - January 20 - is fast approaching.
Anyone who then denies that he has lost is above all a bit pathetic. Like an abandoned loved one who has already left home but still doesn't want to admit he's divorced. Behind his back, the head is mainly shaken about such a person. Or worse: jokes are made about him. Trump and his advisers will do anything to prevent that. It would be completely in keeping with his character if he is currently brooding on a master plan that will make him admired again. Whether it's a bid for the presidency in 2024 or your own conservative TV channel, it is certain that it will be big. He himself predicted that on Twitter: "I will never give up".
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