Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Hazy window

as Tina Turner sang, We have noticed this hazing on a couple of panes of the double glazing and before the warrantee runs out I decided to contact Edinburgh Sash and Case to see about getting them replaced. Wasn’t allowed to speak to anyone about it so had to use their historical snagging form online. If they live up to their normal customer service I’ll never hear from them again and they will find some way to wiggle out of replacing the two panes. If they do come around to look at them. Tried to get some board games but the companies website wasn’t working all day which was a pain. Hopefully I can buy them tomorrow at the same price. Took Kilda for a run around Arthurs seat in the light for a change while J went shopping after work. Moved the wardrobes away from the damp wall so they can get access on Thursday to do the work. 

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