Tea trolley
The new tea boy (CarbBoy) brings a free Twix, a saucer, and milk to your ideal dilution. With extra milk for afters. Actually just after this Mr B brought me another cup as I was on a call and unable to explain I already had one.
And that’s not even the most exciting thing that happened today. Grey hen was wheezing this morning and Mr B insisted a vet visit was required.
So I found a specialist hen vet and off we trekked. Of course, as soon as we were in the waiting room she started singing like the healthiest hen in the land. Despite an escape attempt in the consulting room, the (lovely) vet declared her beautiful and in recovery from what ailed her.
Regardless we have some tablets for her. I feared we would have to smuggle small pieces into her inside sweetcorn kernels, but they are ‘beef and shrimp’ flavour so she just ate the tasty pieces then looked at me accusingly for more.
Later, catch up work and a call that has possibly lightened the stress of another task.
Later still a long call with TallGirl who has just discovered what a room thermostat is (after months of claiming that her heater was broken), who has lost her pet shield bug, and has flights booked to come home!!!
And hurrah for weekends!
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